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So Far, So Good

For those of you who haven\’t got the program yet, there was a bug involving live bookmarks and syncing between two computers. I believe that has been resolved if you follow the instructions in the Rinsemark setup. Let\’s talk a little bit more about what this exactly is.

Firefox has bookmarks. Most people use them to mark places they like to go, or in the case of live bookmarks, to see when a site has been updated. Most people find them useful and use them on a day to day basis. But there\’s a problem.

Some people own two machines. Keep your bookmarks with you suddenly becomes a challenge. Some people like Chipmark, which allows you to have your bookmarks follow you, but they\’ve been having server issues, and when their server goes down, so do your bookmarks. So a new solution was needed that would allow you to keep your bookmarks with you in the event a server could not be found.

There were some other problems with chipmark to, like how it made things look different in your browser. But, this is just the author\’s way of saying he never really liked the chipmark project, so he decided to do it on his own.

So he got himself an already written app that had it\’s own little sets of bugs, but that he could fix. And fix it is what he did. Suddenly it worked with live bookmarks. Soon, the server was supporting the basic syncing of bookmarks between two clients. Problem 1 was solved.

But what about people who change computers alot but they can\’t install their bookmarks? Or how about people who want to share their bookmarks with other people? For this, we needed a web interface. So now, if you sync your firefox bookmarks, a webpage is made that allows you to see your bookmarks with the icons and everything. At some point we hope to add the ability to see the RSS bookmarks, but until then… It can wait.

So again: what does this problem do? It adds some really cool stuff to bookmarks. Why should you get it? Because it\’s free at the moment and it would help me find any bugs that might be in it, not to mention, you get all the great additional features.

For those of you who are wondering… Yes, that was my day.

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  • ninjaweasel June 19, 2005, 6:00 pm

    I will have to say that the bookmarks are really cool. I havn't exactly had the chance to log on to RinseFirst from another computer, but I know once I add a few more key bookmarks that it will come in handy very much.

    The layout of it all is very simple and easy to read and figure out. You've done good, Justin.