So in my spare time I\’ve kinda been working on Sunfox, the lighter weight version of Oxwaf. It\’s not very far along, the documentation has a lot of holes in it, and in reality, it\’s nothing more than a wrapper for the filesystem at this point. It doesn\’t have some tricks that the file system can\’t do (for example, wildcard filenames), but that doesn\’t get you much in our world anymore.
Still, it\’s a stable release, and it\’s enough to run a basic webpage with little to no trouble. At the moment, it\’s powering which is the site that JR is distributing it at. Feel free to check it out and give it a try. If you do, I would love to hear what you think about it. (Note: it requires PHP5 and Mysql 4+)
In other news: I\’ve been keeping busy. Monday marked the arrival of the Sony HDV-FX1 which I must admit is a very cool camera. If I had a photo album, I might have uploaded pictures of it, but at the moment I don\’t so I won\’t.
I\’ve also been practicing poker, which is more to say, I continue to find time to play it whenever I can. I\’ve been keeping detailed stats as to how I play the game, how often I win, money made, etc. It\’s interesting to know that after 50 tournament style games, I show a profit of about 20 cents a game, and a win percentage of about 33 percent. It\’s interesting to note also that payout percentage is 30% (aka, 3 out of 10 people walk away with money). So someone should figure that out for me sometime. If I have a 33% change of getting 1 of those 3 spots… What are my odds of getting any one of those spots? I suppose you would need more data.
In even more unrelated news: Animal crossing seems to be a joy. I have yet to put it back on the wifi since the weeklong server experiment, but I will again shortly. I just need to sell some turnips and stuff, and then I think we\’ll be good to go.
I feel like I owe the world a better blog. Maybe that time is coming…