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Dear Santa

I’m writing to you today, primarily because I haven’t had a chance to come see you and tell you what I truely want for Christmas this year. As you know I’ve visited you the last two years with my girlfriend, Amber (see attached), but this year, due to other things in life, I might not be able to make it in for the good old lap to lap talk.

This year, the top item on my list from you is Andy Budd’s CSS Mastery Book. I’m pretty sure this comes as quite a shock, considering last year I asked for a new car, and the year before that a state of the art HD Television.

So why the book? Well, I figure that the last two years I’ve asked for something that isn’t easily portable in the sleigh, and because of this, I figure it’s the reason I haven’t received anything from you. I hate to think that the reason I didn’t get anything from you was that I was bad (don’t you normally give coal to us at least?), or that I moved out of my parents house into a new house (You know I moved right?).

Back to the book… I’m sure you know that I entered his contest back in February and failed to win, but I don’t think that had anything to do with you. See, the reason I want this book isn’t for myself, or even for the Ipod nano I could win for writing this letter. I’m sure you’ve seen some of my webpages before, and you know that my CSS skills have come along quite nicely in the last 5 years. However , I’m sure that you’ve also seen the webpages created by the kids in my class…

As you can see by the previous hyperlink… They need help, the problem is, the school I work for won’t let me teach from anything other than a book (and a computer), and they won’t let me buy a new book for an elective class (no money). It seems they think our kids are getting along just fine being taught from an HTML 4 For Dummies Book. As you can see from the websites they’ve created… We aren’t.

So, quite simply… I’m hoping this letter will result in at least 1 copy of the book for us. I’ve also attached the letters from my students who think we should get a copy of the book as well. (But to save time, they all say more or less the same thing…)

Thanks and my best Holiday Wishes,
Justin Gehring

P.S. An ipod nano to silence the students from me on Fridays wouldn’t hurt either.


Attachment #1 – Photo of us last year

Attachment #2 – Additional Letters For you from some of my (favorite) students (saves on postage):

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