Odds are if your reading this post right now, the site doesn’t look like it did yesterday, or even the day before. In fact, it looks pretty barebones.
Quite simply, April 5th is CSS Naked Day. A 48 Hour period where it’s recommended that you remove the CSS from your site and present it naked. The idea is to encourage web standards. So you can guess that I’m in support of them ;-).
I have to admit, this site is not quite as clean as I would like it to be without css, but it’s still readable and I believe still usable, which is probably the most important thing. This also provides me with an interesting opportunity to test some of the features of this site, without the CSS.
To learn more about CSS Naked Day, visit: http://naked.dustindiaz.com/
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Justin, I'm appalled that you have nudity on your website. That is just inappropriate.