I often present myself as having enough money to do it all. To be honest, this often isn’t the case. I horde my money in stockpiles, and then tend to use it for events or big ticket items (like a wedding ring).
The truth is, I find myself running out of money a little more quickly lately, which isn’t good considering I’m trying to get married sooner rather than later. Now, to be entirely honest, I’m no where near broke, just that all the money I have is “tagged and locked in (in the finicial sense)” for either a new car, house, or wedding. It’s my cash on hand that is extremely low at this very moment. The reason may actually surprise you.
It’s because I can’t help but pass up some of the deals over at buy.com. In the last 2 months, I’ve purchased a 2 internal hard drives ($40 for 160 gigs), 1 external raid array (for MSA) (~$1000 for a 2TB raid array). A digital photo viewer (which now sits in my kitchen) at $45 dollars (dirt cheap). 1, 1 Gig SD memory card (free after rebate). I’m pretty sure I’ve ordered a few other things as well, just blanking on what at the moment.
I just get a kick out of getting packages in the mail that have something cool in them. Most of the time I have a use for what I ordered, but sometimes, the offer is just to good to pass up.
In any case, I strongly recommend that if you are NOT on buy.com’s mailing list, and you like free (or at least free after mail in rebate) technology promotions, that you get yourself on their email list. They send them out weekly, and every week you get these nice emails telling you exactly what is free and what’s insanely discounted. For example, this week they have Slingbox Pro on sale for $160.00. Just to give you some perspective, they normally cost $250, and right now Best Buy has them on sale for $200, and the cheapest I could find on Google was $170 (pre shipping) and that was Dell. (If your going to go verify my numbers, make sure your looking for a Slingbox Pro).
Since I’m talking about finding insane deals… I thought I would also mention Dealigg. They call themselves social bargain hunting… which I guess that is exactly what they are. A great places to post great deals, as well as find them. Often though, by the time I get there, the item is either sold out, or not on sale anymore. Oh well.
Hope everyone enjoy’s the 4th. I’ve got work to do (as always).