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The Wedding Website Launched

So last night, Amber and I worked for about 4 hours to try to come up with a design that we liked. After about 10 different tries and hours of searching istockphoto for the right graphic, we finally settled on a design we both liked. I started what was sure to be a challenge to CSS at around 2:00AM, and finished roughly around 5:00. I’ve tested in in IE7 and Firefox, but there may still be a few glitches in IE6 that I’ll be working out here. It’s also missing a lot of content, but I still felt it warranted getting it online.

The site is again hosted with Dreamhost, and was built again on top of their amazing one-click installs of WordPress. It features sIFR for the headings, an all XHTML/CSS design, and to top it off, a pretty cool trick to keep the bandwidth down (the page is under 100kb, and features only 4 images).

I plan to post more about some tricks I’m going to be implementing over there to try to save/make some money on the wedding… Afterall, any help you can get in paying for a wedding is good these days, as they are now starting to cost the same as a down payment on a small home. Amber will also be blogging over there about the process, which should be cool to have our first collaborative blog project. In case you didn’t catch it, she also updated recently (encourage her to keep doing so, after all, what else is there to do during lecture.)

I suppose I should mention where the new blog is at… It can be found at http://www.ourvows.net/. You can also find it in my blog roll to the right.

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  • Alex August 30, 2007, 4:47 pm

    Great URL!

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