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Google 411 (Goog411)

Not sure when this was released, but I didn’t run into it until today… I got to admit… As Google grows, I love their “give it away free” attitude… However, I have to admit, they are becoming a tad bit on the evil side… Someone I hope is doing everything they are (even without the attention). What would we do if Google went poof? In any case, next time your lost… Give it a whirl:


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  • Richard December 18, 2007, 11:41 pm

    OMG…that is an awesome video. I like the pizza hand off. We should do that sometime. Google is like a parasite. It feeds off you in ways you can't imagine but at the same time keeps you alive.

    Googles iz in yur ventz watching U breath.


  • Patrick December 19, 2007, 9:06 am

    Yep, I don't remember when I heard about this but it was about the same time I got unlimited data on my cell phone so it didn't really make a difference to me.