With hosting and a domain name out of the way, I’m now actually moving on to building the blog.
To do this, I am going to be using WordPress’s free blogging software. It’s the same software that is powering rinsefirst, ourvows, shatteredcube, bananamonkey, and graceified at this point. It’s quick, it’s painless, and best of all, it’s open source.
In most cases, I would have to go the long way, which is to say: I would have to download wordpress from the wordpress site, and then proceed to follow it’s installation instructions to get it all online. The whole process takes about 30 minutes that way. However, I’m a sucker for speed and time savers… So like all good hosts, Westhost, has a 1-click install of wordpress. Simply tell it what you want your username and password to be and Wha-la the default wordpress install is setup.
So depending on when you read this, you can now go see my fresh install of wordpress over at the new domain by clicking here: http://www.websolguy.com/. There isn’t much to look at (unless your reading this post and the site has already been live a month), but hey, odds are your reading it now…
Hey doesn’t it look a lot like Shatteredcube? hmmm….
Blogging To The Money Status:
- Non-Time Cost So Far: $127.03
- .com Domain from www.GoDaddy.com
with promo code Oyh3 to get it for 7.15 - Westhost webhosting for a year (9.99/month for 12 months): $119.88
- .com Domain from www.GoDaddy.com
- Amount Made: $0.00
- Net: -$7.15
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Don't steal my design. I totally call dibs on wordpress default.