Hey all, it’s that time of year again for the 4th Annual “Race”first fantasy leagues to startup.
This year, Nascar changed their drafting system… No more of that auction madness that we’ve all looked forward to the last 3 years… In fact, it now looks like it’s just a regular old run-of-the-mill draw style. They also opened it up to all 8 team leagues instead of 6… So, that said, we have not 1 but 3 additional slots (4 if you count the fact that John has not joined yet). That said, Here is the invite… come and be one of the remaining people (and John, you really need to sign up… soon). Right now the draft is scheduled for 8pm tonight (sunday night). I might push that back if we still don’t have 8… I don’t want it to be a “public” league. In any case… Here’s the invite:
The following is an invitation to play one of NASCAR.com's Fantasy Sports: Justin would like you to join Racing Draft and Play and play in a designated league: http://fantasy.nascar.com/racing/draft When prompted, use the following information to join Justin's new league: League Name: 4th Annual RaceFirst League
League Password: rinsefirst
Now… All that said… I wasn’t to happy to find that Nascar made this more a game of luck than normal for the beginning of the year… So I’ve also opened up a second fantasy league… This one powered by Yahoo. All are welcome to join in this one… It has unlimited spots, no draft, and is probably the simplest setup as far as fantasy Nascar goes… All that said… Here’s the invite for that:
You have been invited to join jjdb210’s Private Group in Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Auto Racing.
In order to join the group, follow the link above, or go to the game front page and click on the “Sign Up” button to create a team. After completing registration, or if you already have a team, click the “Create or Join Group” button and follow the path to join an existing private group. Then, when prompted, enter the following information…
Group ID#: 27986
Password: rinsefirst
So there ya go… Let the party begin!
Oh: By the way… Dale Jr. Won the Budweiser Shootout and Happy Birthday Joel (I was at Joel’s party instead of watching the race).