I’ve been thinking today about my last month of being a single Man.
I was trying to figure out if there is anything I really wanted to do before I was married that I didn’t think I could do once I was married. To be honest, there isn’t to much I could think of that isn’t allowed once your married… but perhaps the general public has an idea and would like to post it here…
In any case, I’m finding that wedding spending drops significantly the last month before the wedding. Almost everything get’s paid for in advance (or at the time of the wedding)… So I’m enjoying this lull simply by looking at my bank balances and saying “Yes! it didn’t go down again today!” (I treat my bank balance like the stock market, because it is… In fact, I should build a ticker for it)
I’m also someone enjoying the mood over here at JR. We’re insanely busy, but there’s a reason for it… I’m trying to get every project on the docket wrapped up by August 1st. It should mean no projects in August, which is Good, because I have other plans for Joe, and Dan will be gone. I think it will be interesting to come back and besides whatever piled up while I was gone, not have any major projects to work on. It could be bad from a bank perspective, but from a “time to get some things we’ve been waiting to do for a long time” perspective, it’s going to be great.
In any case, So much to do, so little time.