I think the entire Health Care System is a scam.
For the last 3 years, I have been one of the millions of American’s without health insurance. Not because I can’t afford it. Not because my company doesn’t provide it (I could make it), but simply because I didn’t feel it was something I needed.
Since age 12, I have been to the doctor maybe twice for things that actually required medical attention. The rest of the trips were either mandidated by the public schooling system, or by my parents. Both things that I went for, probably could have been skipped with little to no trouble, it was just nice to have the assurance I was ok.
So I guess you can ssay, medically, I’ve been pretty blessed… So I figured, I’d use that to my advantage.
Now, I’m getting married. My choice of not having healthcare affects others in more than just an emotional way if I get sick, and therefore, it’s time for me to get coverage again. I don’t mind paying for it, but here are just a few observations I’ve had that I think are stupid:
- I don’t think a physical is necessary. The risk should be the insurance companies, not the clients. I’m alive aren’t I? I suppose I could have cancer or something, but are they really going to find that in a basic physical? Probably not. Maybe it’s for stats.
- I think it’s stupid that hospitals charge insurance companies less than they charge people without insurance. This is where I think the scam all starts… Why is it, Blue Cross Blue Shield will pay $60.00 for a physical, and I have to pay $100 out of pocket if I don’t have coverage… Don’t tell me it’s because the insurance arranged a lower price. They aren’t giving you more business, your just giving them cuts because they want them… It tells me that somewhere in the system (probably multiple places), prices are inflated.
- I don’t think doctors should be able to be sued for malpractice, UNLESS it appears to be a recurring theme or can be proved easily in court that the actions the doctor took were very much intentional. Being the 1 in 100 person that dies in surgery is just that: bad luck. The fact of the matter is, the insurance companies seem to control both ends of the game… Forcing doctors to get malpractice insurance, and forcing patience to get health insurance. There is no way to beat the system.
- I think it’s stupid you can’t move a person from one healthcare plan to another without resetting their coverage… For example: Amber is covered right now, and my have something wrong with her. When she get’s married, her coverage drops, which is why we would be needing to transfer her to a new family plan. The problem is, even if we stay with the company she is with now, when her current coverage drops, and her new one begins, the thing she is being treated for now will fall into the category of a prexisting condition, and will no longer be covered post marriage. How stupid is that?
So you can see, I rather hate it.. And the sad part is, I can really see only 2 solutions.
Solution A: We get rid of all the health rules/laws all together, thereby making malpractice impossible, and making people pay like they normally would.. But then we would have to get rid of the rules that say doctors have to treat people… Might not be a bad thing in a country that believes in freedom, but it’s a horrible thing in a country that believe in equality.
Solution B: We get public healthcare. I believe this would probably lower the overall quality of healthcare for a majority of people, I do think it would be everyone on the same playing ground. You’d be covered for life, and that would be that.
Alas: it’s not republican vs. democrat. It’s freedom vs. equality. It’s always freedom vs. equality. You can’t have both.
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1) As long as Amber doesn't have a gap in coverage, any pre-existing conditions should be covered.
2)Insurance companies are in the business to make money and will set up deals with health care units based on many factors provided by economies of scale.
3)When an individual pays 100% out of pocket for a medical expense, they absorb all hidden fees that Insurance companies can possibly avoid.
4)A physical is required because much like you wouldn't want to buy a car that will break down the next day, the insurance company doesn't want a life support ticking time bomb.
Solution A: I'm all for anarchy, so long as I get first dibs on guns.
Solution B: Public health care is only viable if we fix our immigration problem. Currently it is possible for certain immigrants to gain access to Welfare and Social Security without ever having to work a day in the US. This is an absolute net loss on the system. Illegal immigrants are also able to gain access to government programs. The clear downside is that as illegal immigrants they are not paying taxes to support the system. Another net loss. Public health care would likely fall victim to the same issues and cause further national debt. So the real issue is to sort out our immigration problem (make them pay taxes!) and to consolidate and eliminate out dated public welfare programs. Once that has been done, then maybe we can start adding more public welfare programs aimed at increasing our standard of living.
And to end on a down note: This will never happen because…
A)The democrats like immigrants of all flavors because they typically vote democrat.
B)Republicans fall prey to the big businesses that utilize the cheap labor and lower tax rates.
Went off on a tangent kind of, but the moral of the story is that it is all related and if someone can make a buck off your misery, they will.