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A little more on what I did

So I as mentioned in my previous post, I got an iPhone last night. Amber called me and told me she would be off work from 4:30 to 7:00, and I thought, “just enough time to head to the mall, and get one.”

Well I was partially right. We got there, and I believe just before I got there a shipment of 16G black iphones had arrived (exactly what I was looking for). A line had begun to form (we were 5th). I then realized in my rush to get there that I had completely forgotten to bring my account number for t-mobile. John, owing me a few computer favors, logged into my t-mobile account and got the account number for me (which was a good thing).

We waited in line for about 30 minutes, and then had the guy rush us through the process… All and all, it went fairly well.

But let me say, I’m about as impressed as I thought I wouldn’t be (say what?). Here’s the list of problems I really hope Apple takes care of between now and the next firmware update.

  • There’s something wrong with the Bluetooth profile that won’t allow it to pair with my car. It’s possible it’s my car, and I’m going to try patching it, but supposidly, apple fixed this in the 1.1.0 firmware, and then broke it again in the 2.0.
  • There’s something wrong with the GPS that when the 3G is turned on, it behaves incorrectly. There are easy enough fixes for it, but man is it annoying when it geotags a photo to Massachutes.
  • Can’t turn any mp3 into a ringtone… I don’t care about DRM, they should undo this.
  • Can’t sync calendar with Google Calendar… This has to be coming right? Or at least an App to do so.
  • I really feel there should be a thumb gesture to simulate the home button… When I’m in thumb only mode, that button is not the easiest in the word to get to with my thumb.
  • And lastly, and this one I knew going into it: you can’t tether… which is just stupid.

On the upside, I’m happy with quite a few things:

  • I was very happy I was able to stick my t-mobile sim card in it, and copy the contacts from the sim card to the iphone. Worked perfectly… Now I just need to go through and rename them all because they were perfectly formatted for my old cell phone, not my new one.
  • I am so-so with the camera, but love smugshot. Expect to see “recently taken photos” added to rinsefirst in the near future. The only problem is the geotaggings ability to place me correctly on a map.
  • I love the app store, and have already downloaded:
    A Bible
    A lightsabre
    World 9
    Tap Tap Revenge
    Wordpress (which I used to update last night)
  • I also love youtube… I swear they built this thing around playing youtube videos… They look o-so-pretty. I can watch my Numa Video where ever now.

So yeah, back to work I go… way to much to do.

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  • PK July 25, 2008, 7:33 am

    just shakes his head….

  • Joe Burianek (via Fa July 25, 2008, 2:07 pm

    huh? iPhone = iPod + phone.what do you mean you're surprised it can play mp3s?

  • Joe Burianek (via Fa July 26, 2008, 8:23 am

    Umm, well see you're just misinformed. lolThe iPod does in fact play mp3s – you can transfer them to your iPod, and if you know what you're doing, you can get them back off (still in mp3 format).However, the default setting in iTunes is to rip audio CDs to AAC, but this can be changed and does not affect mp3s already in your library.

  • Alex July 27, 2008, 6:05 am

    Whee; World 9! I'm glad you got that one and I hope it works splendidly.

  • Will Grant (via Face July 29, 2008, 3:24 am

    haha MediaMonkey…..