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A Deadline Arrives

Well we gave the kid a deadline. He has until July 20th to figure his way out of Amber, or we’ll take him out by force.

I love deadlines.

Especially the whooshing sound they make as they fly by (Thanks Douglas Adams for the quote).

This means that I pretty much have until next week (unless the kid decides to come early) to complete some final projects around here before everything goes crazy.

I was thinking today that I should probably call a lawyer sometime soon and get things like my will, etc. in order. Afterall, a parent has to be responsible. Maybe it’s time to start putting those skills I’ve been picking up by osmosis on at work that talk about things like “The Family Bank”.

Soon… very soon. Advice on the subject is appreciated and welcomed. I’ll probably start soliciting it outside my blog soon.

Well that is all in the world of Justin today.


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  • Richard July 13, 2011, 11:34 pm

    Love the DA quote!

  • Alex July 17, 2011, 10:02 pm

    Happy Birthday in the near future, little Gehring baby!

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