I used to document everything I did down to the hour on this site… That said, my life has changed a lot since I was in high school, then college, and now married with child.
Here is what a typical Tuesday looks like for me right now (or at least, what today looked like):
6:30ishAM – Light sleep mode caused by the wife getting up to go to work. She leaves normally by 7:00AM.
7:18AM – Wake up because Link is awake. Get him something to distract him long enough that I can take a shower while he plays with it in his crib.
7:40AM – Feed Link, or at least try/start to.
8:00AM – Get Link changed, dressed, and happy. Pack up his stuff to go to Daycare.
8:25AM – Call daycare and make sure they are ready, and that they don’t need us to bring anything special.
8:30AM – Drop Link of at Daycare
8:35AM – Go to work. This consists of coding, phone calls, errands, etc. You’ll notice that on a typical day, my next time is 5:00PM. I don’t stop for lunch. I’m that crazy. You’ll also note I missed breakfast.
5:00PM – Go get Link.
5:15PM – Return Home. Play with Link.
5:45PM – Make Dinner for Link. Then Attempt to get him to eat it. Try to eat something yourself if your lucky (today it was a pop tart).
6:15PM – Play some more with Link. I recommend Basketball and Books.
7:00PM – Bath Time For Link
7:30PM – Final play time (generally in just a diaper). Normally some version of the backyardagains for him to dance to.
8:00PM – Feed the piggy, get into PJ’s, change Diaper to nighttime diaper, and put Link to bed. He’s a champ at this. (Because we pay him to be)
8:30PM – Link is Asleep (if all goes well). Return to Computer to work on whatever I didn’t get done the first 8 and half hours. Maybe grab something to eat finally.
9:30PM – Amber returns home. Typically now is a good time to relax and watch TV… OR, as the case was tonight, get in the car and head to MSA to take care of something.
12:00PM – Return home. Really… you need to.
12:30AM – Emails if you still have some you can finish.
1:00AM – If I’m awake, a little World of Warcraft to unwind.
2:00AM – Go crawl in bed, pull out the iPad, make some chess moves, play a little poker, or ticket to ride. If I’m reading a book, read it (sometimes a good book replaces WoW time).
2:30AM – Go to sleep and be ready to repeat tomorrow.
All in all, a full day…
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Holy crap, I literally need three times the sleep you do. I have extreme nostalgia reading an hourly-style post on your blog.