I don’t really want to update. I’m not really sure I want to be awake, but for now… I am.
Movie night was tonight. We watched Titan AE, and for it to be fitting, I figured I would make this remember about it. Normally I always try to walk away with some kind of meaning from my posts, but since the addition of this remember thing, it seems the posts have been taking meaning from me. Strong memories breed strong emotions. Strong emotions breed action. Action without thought breeds trouble. Using some of that sequitar logic I love… Memories breed trouble.
So for the next moment, let’s try to be non-sequitar. My Keyboard needs to be cleaned, but still I decided to eat dinner at Champs. My car was in the shop, but my house was fairly clean. Benson’s almost missed us, but chive fries are good. So confusing is this part of my post, and I’m going to stop. This is what my head sounds like. This is what I hear.
I really don’t want to go to practice tomorrow. I don’t really have good memories from last year’s practice. I’m probably sleeping over at Vicki’s, or… I could do what I did last year as well, stay for most of it, go home when I want to sleep. I would get more sleep that way afterall. I don’t want to think about it. If I end up at Strong’s for the night, I end up at Strong’s…
I think I am going to go now, here’s a memory. I changed my mind as to it’s topic.
I remember…
25 minutes ago. Driving Amber home. We trailed John for awhile and commented on how your supposed to hit the pot holes when your tired. Before even getting the car, I said hi to the car because it just got back from the shop. We ended the night talking about what time I would pick her up tomorrow. I said, “Let’s go for 8:20ish” and then continued to comment on how we will get pancakes even if we’re late. Sometimes I think it’s these little memories that can stick with you if only you take the time to remember them…