So I had typed an update right before lunch today, but IE crashed on me so I didn’t feel like retyping it. Instead, I will update now with a full list of events.
Moring was pretty uneventful. I woke up, I went to school. I did that. I did this. Spent a little more time cleaning up the hard drives. I hope to be done with that by the end of the week. I then headed off to school for a lecture on Level 1 Cache structure. Man… What we do to allow our computers to run faster.
Spent the afternoon doing the whole lot of things. Stopped by Amber’s. Talked a little about 7th/Everwood night. Dropped Amy off for softball and continued to head for MSA where I dropped off some stuff. Talked with Jerimiah about life this summer. Proceeded to head home and relax till dinner was figured out.
We ended up going to Sgt. Pepper’s where Nikki was supposed to sernade us with a Karoke song, but the Wild saved her butt tonight. You can bet we will be back to get our song.
Amber’s house was great. Lucy got married. Colin went crazy. Previews of yet another Amy kiss. Jon even dropped in :-). All in all a good night.
This is a note to remind Kimmy and Maria that if they ever go to Londan this summer, they have to take pic’s of Notting Hill for me. Yes, that is a rule. You must.
Oh.. Hamster update. The Hamster was found by me late last night while I was snacking on my gardettos. Somehow the little monster found it’s way downstairs and near my food. He was shortly captured and returned to his cage. As for damages, it seems he may have did something to his eye. My mom thinks he tripped a mouse trap and got lucky… but we don’t know.
Well um… Everyone have a great day. This post is done.