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Things Accomplished:

Uploaded 6 pictures of Rich and I from graduation.

Had dinner with Amber and my family here at home

Had movie night with Amber, John, Jerimiah, and Mel

Played Ultima and Collected 5 seeds, enough to start my new gardening project

That’s right folks, 6 new pictures have been uploaded. Really I want to upload a whole lot more, I just haven’t had the time. If my parents photo CD the pictures I wanted photo CD’d, I will be happy.
Amber and I had dinner with my folks last night. It went fairly well. My mom is starting to loosen up around her. Maybe she can spend some more time here this weekend to the point where she’s comfortable not being with me… Who knows…
We started the first of what I hope will grow to be many movie nights this summer. I would kind of like to set a routine of some sort.. Like maybe every monday, wednesday, friday. Or I don’t know. Eh. We ended up watching Blue Crush. Maybe I should start a list here…

Movies Seen This Summer:

2 Fast 2 Furious

Lethal Weapon 2

Blue Crush

I finally logged into Ultima myself to actually play. I ended up going seed hunting because I want to start a garden in my house. Yeah, I know, it’s sappy… But it’s something that will keep me logging into the game almost daily… I mean.. daily.
I’m about to go talk contracts with Simone. From there, move some shelfs, and from there, probably back to MSA. For some reason I just don’t like today. Maybe it’s the fact that I know I’m going to get pulled into Stage Strike tonight and I really want nothing to do with that. But, it was my school, and I will be there.. It’s only right to help. Ok.
Maybe I can get some computer work done today as well. I have some websites I would love to put together. But yeah. Either way. I’m out for now. Laterz.

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