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MSA 2.5

Hopefully this will be my last post with the title MSA 2 for the next year. I am in the process of finishing up cleaning so that I don’t get yelled at when the students come in the building on Tuesday. Speaking of Tuesday, I better be here in the morning because teachers and students are sure to have problems, not to mention, I do still have a good number of things for Dan and I to do. So with that in mind, we forget everything we have done the last few days, deem them as done, and continue one with our lives as we know them.
Amber is listening to every word I say. That’s kind of fun. I type and she hear’s it. She would like to say, “No”. That’s to bad… Hopefully she will bring herself to post in the next 72 hours. The way I see it, she should start updating a lot because soon she will have all this spare time at campus and nothing better to do than write insanely long posts.
Nikki called and said she moved in ok. That’s good to hear.
I’m going to go now. Bye.

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