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Here We Go!

It be 8:26am and I’m feeling pretty dang good. I managed to wake up and ride the bus this morning. I enjoy riding the bus. It makes me feel like I’m saving money and such. It makes me feel like I have more time to get work done at school. It makes me feel like I’m a big big boy in a big big world. Of course, It’s not a big big deal if you read this.

Like I already stated yesterday, I have way to much work to get done, and to do it, I’m going to need this hour this morning along with the hour between classes, along with the hour after all my classes. The goal is to get it done, and if I manage that, tonight will be one of those nights of great comfort and peace of mind. If I don’t get it done, then time management and some tough decisions need to be made. La de da.

Yesterday was crap if you didn’t hear already from anyone that posts. I should have been able to predict that a little more peacefully than I did. However, on the good side of things, I’m extremely proud of Amber. She managed to go to bed at a reasonible hour AND get her homework done hopefully in some kind of good manner. I love her, and I love it when she succeeds.

In other news: Church is tonight. I guess it’s tubing night. That said, I really don’t want to go. I don’t want to waste 8 bucks to go down a hill. So I will sit in the warming house hopefully… Not pay… and Hopefully I’ll get to play some board games. Otherwise, I think I will head home, attend an auction, move my house, and get some sleep. I might even ride the bus again tomorrow.

I heard this morning that my bus drivers might strike. I really hope they don’t because that will make riding the bus at least 9 times a little harder than it should be. Either way, as long as they don’t strike too long…. You know, all it would take to really start saving money is for me to ride Monday, Wednesday, Friday like I said I was going to do earlier in the semester. If I did that, I would save 18 dollars a week. Really, that’s a very very good idea. It’s just too dang expensive to drive every day!

I of course do need to drive though, otherwise I can’t work.

The balance of it all is so keen. Keen is such a keen word. Anytime you can use a word to describe itself, the word has to be cool. Just like cool. Cool is a cool word. See how that works :-)?

Ok, I’ve delayed long enough, a full 10 minutes it would seem. I believe those 10 minutes could have been better used, but hey… I need to update too, right? Ok, well later all.

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