Warning: this post is written in sudo XML
<New With Site>
For those new comers to the site, and for those who just like to look back at the past, I have started to convert my old posts to proper styling. This means that the first 80 posts won’t break the design. This means I will be adding a comment to every post as I do it. What’s that mean? That means for those of you who do look back, you will get something new as well. Sadly, I can’t do them all at once, so I will do them over time. At the time of writing this, there were 5 converted.
</New With Site>
<New With Me>
Well, things have quieted down, probably because it’s friday. I will probably run to MSA really fast this afternoon to do some quick work, and maybe then go rollerblading for 30 minutes or something like that.
The night will be spent celebrating the birth of Rob, or Rob’s birthday. The complete plan is not open to the public at this point, but needless to say, we’ll have fun. If you wish to join us for our Tour De Minnesota to help us celebrate Rob’s big day, give me a call by 4:30 today. I might be giving you a call if you don’t call me.
Other than that, I’m still overworked. I’m thinking I might add a new feature to the graph that models my work level, more on that on the next paragraph. I’m still tired, and I won’t get to bed early. The list of things for this weekend include 3 homework assignments and studying for a midterm. That studying one is going to take a large amount of time. I have a lot of things to learn.
Ok, the graph idea. The idea is to add a new type of data form to the graph below. Currently there are two things that the graph can render, lines and smiles. The plan is to allow for a gradient datatype, probably going green to red, that simulates my work load. Red means, if you contact me, it will probably be a week or two before I get it done, green means I’m free for work, and everything in between is range values. It sounds like a nifty feature, so I think I’ll code it up when I’m in my green zone, and because I noted it here, I won’t forget.
</New With Me>
<New With the World>
Let’s bring in the outside world now. MezzoBlue’s April fools joke was pretty good, but KS95’s was better. KS95 played a cellphone ringer on the radio. It sounded perfect for many people’s cell phones. They got a whole range of people calling in then saying that they were fooled. But the best call in was a lady who was REALLY upset. She heard the ringer while she was driving in rush hour, and ended up putting her car into the rear of another.
For the next minute, the DJ’s felt really bad. They asked her if she was hurt, if the car was totalled. They made statements of apologies. And after about a minute when the lady sounded like she was about to snap on the DJ’s for what they did, you guessed it, April Fools. Very funny prank on the DJ’s.
Mezzoblue just changed designs with another popular site. Not as funny, but good.
Other new things, I think Dan‘s site is still hackable.
</New With the World>
I’m in an UML class. I should be being productive. So I’m going to go hack.