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Little Late

3 movies at the drive in for 7 bucks. Not bad at all for a date night with church. The movies on the docket were:

Mean Girls (the best one of the night in my mind. Both family friendly, and funny.)
The Day After Tomorrow (not as bad as people made it out to be, but weak on plot. Few good references to God though.)
Dodgeball (not all that good, but stupid funny. It’s amazing how when the movie is done, you feel like you wasted 2 hours of your life).Overall, a great night. Cuddling with my sweety and John in the back of my car.

The question is how will I make it to tomorrow. I have enough soda in me to keep me up for another 2 hours if I wanted to, but I don’t want to. My sweety has her grad party tomorrow and I have to be there with chairs and such. Hmmm. I need to get to bed.. soon.

It was also a sad day… Samson died… That would be Amber‘s 9-month kitty. I don’t think I want to say anymore than that, other than we had some good times.

Night all.

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