So, based on what I wrote earlier today about what I got done: I’m 3/4. I did manage to finish the DNS for I did see Amber right on time. We did upgrade to php 5.0.1. Thank you Blaine for fixing my RSS feed while I was gone. Hopefully the art attack will be back up shortly. The only thing I didn’t finish was moving GAHF.ORG. We’ll see what I can make up tomorrow.
That put’s tomorrows checklist like this:
1) Move GAHF.ORG
2) Move NECF.ORG
3) Transfer Equity
4) Setup Tovarim account(s)
5) Design Invoice table
6) Call Jim
7) Check out the rest of the sites.
In other news, Amber is home and it’s good to have her back. I did in deed miss her and it was fun to just sit on the couch and hold each other for the night. Her mom kindly bought us malts and we sat there watching Free Willy 2 and the kids. I do love, very much.
Well in case you haven’t taken a bath yet today, go Rinse First.