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Kill A Watt – Something Geekly For Those Holiday Geeks

I was helping a Mr. Bartz today find a way to determine if some of his appliances would overload a particular circuit. Besides just adding up the numbers on the various adapters to figure out what the total wattage should be, we stumbled on this nifty little device on Buy.com:

P3 P4400 Kill A Watt Appliance Tester

It’s called a Kill A Watt, and it simply measures the wattage usage going on for a particular outlet. When everyone is “Going Green”, what better way for a Geek prove that their wattage usage is lower than yours, than having a device that can prove it.

Ok, so I just thought it was a cool item.

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  • Alex December 11, 2007, 4:06 am

    Speaking of, here's a funny geeky thing I ran across:

    "Extreme Programming – Redundant Array of Inexpensive Developers"

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