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Coding to stop coding…

I remember updating today already, I just don’t know when. Maybe this afternoon….

I spent most of my afternoon at MSA. I don’t remember what I did, and I didn’t clock hours, but whatever it was, it couldn’t have been too drastic. I think I trained teachers again. Yes, that tis be what I did.

After work I headed up to Applebee’s with Maria and Nikki. We talk about the weird dreams and paranormal events happening in our lives. We should probably mention here that the appetizer at Applebee’s have a way of attacking people, so be careful.. They could go after a good shirt, a good pair of pants, or a good wallet if your not careful.

We then dipped ourselves over to Dairy Queen, picked up Blizzards, took Maria home, and went to church. Church was fun filled. It started with Sabbath Day Night Live, a short skit/movie about the bible and how it can be entertaining. It was presented by some of the funniest people which basically means we got a half hour of nonstop laughs. They then had us do it, which was a riot in itself.

The result of our group… Eric and myself played Elizabeth and Mary respectively. Amber and Jake played their favorite Angels. Improv acting is something I don’t do enough of anymore, and I have forgotten how to get around someone who is blocking my train of thought. Amber and I did a fairly good job, but Eric and I had a hard time keeping up the interaction. Where’s Simland when you need him? oh yeah, playing SC4K :-). I would like to highlight just a few moments of the skit until I can get the video online.

My Favorite Line: “I’m pregnant and I haven’t even done the fun stuff yet!”

My Favorite Event: Me tripping over a speaker in the dark and smashing my chin on the couch that was behind the screen.

My Favorite outfit: Had to be Eric trying to look pregnant… Either that or Amber‘s final decision on what Robe to where :-).

My Favorite female actor: Amber 🙂

My Favorite person to torcher: Luke

My Favorite other skit: Nikki‘s and my Sister’s Group (Cathy’s Group)

Amount of Cash Earning: 1 cent *got my moneys worth I say*

When I got home, it was BMW/Mana time.. So let’s update on that!

Secret of Mana: Day 4
Estimated Percent Complete: 5%
It would seem that this journey is only going to get longer. First, I was off to some ruins where I finally met up with the guy who made the witch bad. He ran off with the chicks guy though so I suppose he is bad. The village is at least back to normal with people who will talk to me again. I than ran through a series of problems with everyone from the now Evil Empire to a group of thieves who thought it might be fun to try and get in my way. Either way, I have been kicking them all down so far. It appears that it is time for me to go after the next 6 seeds. I imagine that if they are as hard as these first two that I could be here awhile traveling amoung the lands…

Long game I tell ya :-). BMW was one of those few episodes where I tend to cry when I watch it. Little Joshua so sick and so close to death. I too pray for any baby who is born sick and has to go through whatever its called… neonattle or what not. Very sad. To many babys are lost there. But many are saved.

When I got back it was time to start coding so that I wouldnt code something else… My code list looks like this currently:

converting Flash Razor’s basic html site over to php

finishing touches on gahf.org

site design for necf.org

user authetication system for the advance graphing system which i built for my website, that way users can use it on their sites as well

preparing for the overhaul of 1000+ files to database form of the SMRC

MSA may term enrollment system

MSA lotery system

John‘s site is almost converted. I got 99% percent of his old entries converted to the new database with little to no problem. I then modified his pastdays page to work off the database as opposed to the files… Now all I need to do is write soe code so that he can update his page quickly and easily. That will probably launch sometime after tomorrow.

Plan’s for tomorrow…
8:15amish – 12:45ish – NECF.ORG meeting
1:00ish – 4:00ish? – Buying Books with John… Need to order bus pass Justin!
4:00ish – 10:00ish? – Hopefully something with friends, either that or home coding and coding some more…. Please don’t let me start the SMRC.
10:00ish – 11:00ish – BMW/SOM time, this is fixed now, no moving it.
11:00ish – 12:00ish – update this and get to bed as soon as all the other stuff is done
Friday – Left open on purpose!
Time for me to go to bed!

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