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All done, thats right. I don’t have long to talk but to make the long story short. Graduation Rocked. Graduation Party was fun. There’s a party here today to celebrate.. Here’s the info if you want to come, sorry it’s last minute and that I didn’t invite anyone… *So don’t feel bad if you are just finding out about it now*.

3 to 7pm (*possibly later, it depends on the crowd and if I decide to go up to Julie’s Grad party, which I kinda want to do*)
3147 Cottage Grove Dr.
Woodbury, Mn 55125.
Food is here as are snacks, pool, probably video games, and um, ME! :-).

One last thing before I ride out… HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICH! 18 years of life, like 9 of which I’ve been your friend for *wow*. I hope to see you later today. Phone call time.

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