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I have got to get me a new alarm clock. One that can read my mind and knows exactly when I need to get up. I ended up waking up at 11, when I needed to be somewhere at 10.
That somewhere was church as we are preparing for an Easter service tommorow morning. Well, I got there late, just as everyone was going for pizza. I stayed back and worked on some stuff that needed to be printed.
Got the stuff printed and continued to hang with a few people just talking and being together. I love just hanging. It means so much to me to be able to just sit back, relax, and absorb.
After that I commenced in visiting another girls house where all of us church people watched Moulin Rouge, talked about life, and played Tetris. On the Tetris note, my friend didn’t do so hot, I played fine :-).
After that it is time to sleep, for I best not be late again tommorow…

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