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Best Day for Prayers Answered

My day as a timeline. Times are aproximate.

2:30 AM: Fall Asleep after battling with homework I didn’t get done. Pray I get it done today (Prayer 1).
6:45 AM: Ring Ring Ring:
6:46 AM: Hello? Hi Pat. What’s that you say? Teacher server is down? Be right there…
6:48 AM: Shower
7:00 AM: Out the door
7:07 AM: See teacher server in bad shape
7:40 AM: Leave message with Dan about where I left off and what I think he can do to fix the problem. Start praying that I surrive today, that I don’t have to come back to MSA today, and a prayer of thanks for the amazing sunrise he as provided me, as well as the free ride in traffic (rush hour went fast, Prayer 2).
8:50 AM: Arrive at art class
8:53 AM: Realize I don’t have my blank CDR’s to hand in assignment
8:54 AM: Realize I don’t have my book to finish my homework that I didn’t get done last night.
8:58 AM: Post a message asking for someone to kindly post the questions to the class forum so I don’t have to go find a book.Pray that someone posts the questions online (Prayer 3)
9:00 AM: Begin final project presentations, I went first.
My jukebox was pretty cool for a flash program, however, as a piece of art, I don’t think it compared to some of the other peoples. Richards interface for his was pretty cool and I liked the idea. There was one girl who had these boxes that were really well done that were layers from flash. I bet she got an A. I bet I didn’t.
10:00 AM: Someone posts the homework questions to the forum (Prayer 3 answered, Prayer of Thanks).
12:01 PM: Leave art class
12:15 PM: Start work on homework
12:45 PM: Homework finally catches on with my brain
2:30 PM: Submit some other homework (that I had done yesterday).
3:15 PM: Complete the computer portion of the dread homework assignment and print it off. Leave lab to go to commons to finish the written portion.
3:56 PM: Finish homework with what I feel are some very well thought out answers. (Prayer 1 answered, Prayer of Thanks).
4:00 PM: Hand in homework
4:30 PM: (In lecture) Realize wallet is missing (Prayer 4, start praying that I find my wallet.)
5:15 PM: Lecture ends, normal semester classes all done with, go hunting for wallet
5:17 PM: Two kind girls had found it and were still sitting there. They kindly returned it to me. (Prayer 4 answered, Prayer of thanks). Head to car.
5:26 PM: Talk to John about a floppy.
5:27 PM: Talk to Dan about the teacher server. Turns out he got it working doing using the predicted repair stuff. Very cool. Saved my night, help MSA, made me proud of him 😉 (Prayer 2 answered, prayer of thanks).
5:30 PM: Spot my car, the dome light is on…
5:31 PM: Realize dome light is on because door was left locked, but ajar.
5:31 PM: Try to shut door, won’t shut.
5:32 PM: Try to shut door, won’t shut.
5:33 PM: Try to shut door, won’t shut. Pray door shuts. (Prayer 5)
5:35 PM: Door shuts, with me inside. (Prayer 5 answered)
5:36 PM: Arrive at Gas Station
5:37 PM: Amber‘s breaks Gas Cap off my car, but I love her for filling of up my tank.
6:00 PM: Crazy old lady trys to kill us with her car… Maybe she was having a heart attack or fell asleep at the wheel… Who knows…
6:30 PM: Arrive at church
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Put up redesign page message, setup paypal again, transfer domain ownership, and bill WLC. This should mean a new server ordered by the end of the year (yay!).
9:00 PM – 11:30 PM: Amber‘s Dinner, Love her, Bourne.
12:00 PM – Home and relaxing by writing about today.I could go into more detail about any item in this list, but really…. What more really needs to be said… It was one bad event followed by one good event. It’s amazing how that works.