Ok, so now that I’ve said that, let’s say. Welcome to the new server. That’s right. Welcome to our FOURTH home. Let’s go through a little bit of History:
JJ’s domain started off as a portal for men, women, and kids.
The idea was to link to everything I did through one site.
It turned out that failed.
It later turned into a blue design that I also believe no one saw.
Both designs started out at http://www.isd.net/mmmpc523/ and never saw more than 1 hit a day, nor were they ever updated.
JR Corps got it’s first server September of 2001. It was through Global Hosting.
It would soon become the home JJ’s Domain first official post on January 4th, 2002.
It was then known as the black frog design.
There we would stay for for over a year, with a period in there where we underwent a design change to the white layout which we
also stuck with for over a year.
July 22nd brought our third location to be hosted.
Still maintaining the white layout we switched to Altera on the advice of Dan and TechTV.
It turned out to be a great move, giving both us and JR Corps the ability to take on clients without a cost.
It would lead to both JR Corps and Menssen.org becoming the primary host for MSA and Woodbury based blogs.
After Altera switched names, and apartantly changed some policies or something, we started having problems.
Some of you may have noticed downtime of the SQL server, or worse, the entire site.
Luckily, at the same time, I met Blaine.
This would lead to the expansion of JR Corps into a whole new world: our own server hosting.
After a month of setup and lots of money dropped on the server and line, here we are, now on our OWN server.
The odds of us moving from here. Slim. So hopefully, this is the last episode in the moving of JR Corps.
(That is unless we get new hardware in a year or two). So there you have it.
4 Hosts. It’s fun to look back and remember all the time we spent on these things. Learning. Nothing beats growth, and here we are making another step.